Want to know what age group has the most car accidents? The 16-19, aka teenage age group, is the most susceptible to being involved in most types of car accidents that result in death, serious injuries, disabilities, and property damage.
Bakersfield motor vehicle accidents you might encounter? Are you curious about what age group causes the most car accidents so you can be wary while on the road? One of the noteworthy things that research brings forward is that young drivers – people between the ages of 16 and 24- are at greater risk of being involved in car accidents than those in any other age group.
This is particularly dangerous as it represents a higher risk to you, your loved ones, and all commuters. Moreover, such statistics concern people who use Bakersfield’s roads, safety experts, and the public.
The Law Office of Joseph Pluta understands the distress and anxiety that often engulf those who have been victims of auto accidents, mainly caused by a driver who was underage, inexperienced, or, worse still, negligent. Our experienced attorneys always ensure that accident victims are helped through the legal hassles to claim the compensation they are entitled to. Let us dive deep into the age groups most likely to cause motor accidents, what factors come into play, and how to proactively protect yourself and your loved ones while at the wheel.
Teens: A High-Risk Age Group for Auto Accidents!
The Centers for Disease Control suggests that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for US teenagers, when analyzing incidents for car accidents by age. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety states that the number of teenagers involved in fatal road accidents is three times higher than among older people. Consequently, car accidents caused by adolescents may also lead to injuries or death of other people.
Car collisions are no stranger to losses resulting from crashes caused by teenage drivers. The costs unfortunately paid at the site of such accidents, more often than not, far exceed the emotional difficulties experienced by all who bear witness. The losses inflicted result in financial costs, which the individual may face to the employer, the family, and the public or society. Some of the costs are borne by the government directly through public goods such as Medicaid or from crime control like the police, paramedics, or the courts. Many other costs – like lost wages, traffic delay, and reduced quality of life — don’t show up directly but also reflect the vast, genuine cost of crashes involving teen drivers.
Which Teen Demographic Causes Most Car Accidents?
Want to know what age causes the most car accidents? Young motorists tend to attract criticism whenever road safety issues are discussed, and rightly so. Younger drivers cause most road accidents, thus necessitating an analysis of which demographic of this age group is the most dangerous. Age, gender, and behavioral inclinations, among other factors, can increase the chances of being involved in an accident. Such demographic analysis provides clues for possible explanations of teenage driving problems and helps target safety enhancement techniques more appropriately.
Age & Experience
What age of drivers had the highest total crash rates? Research in developmental psychology indicates that most teenagers need to be made aware of the gravity of the problems they get involved in. This is typical because their most prudent cognitive faculties, involving areas of the brain responsible for reasoning and retracing memory, do not fully mature until approximately age 25 (Keating, 2007). Because of this immaturity, teens are much more eager to participate in dangerous things like overspeeding and tailgating, distracted driving, and driving unbelted. Also, young drivers’ inexperience only augments the probability that such drivers will crash and be injured when they crash.
Motor vehicle accidents can involve both men and women, but the possibility of male teenagers driving fatalities is exceptionally high. For instance, statistics reported that among the 1,858 youths aged 13-19 years old who died in motor vehicle crashes in the year 2016, 66% of them were male (IIHS, 2017). Males exhibit a greater tendency than females to exceed the speed limit, to drive after consuming alcohol (IIHS, 2017), and are also less likely to not use seatbelts as opposed to females (NHTSA 2017).
Personality & Behavior
It has also been shown that young people indulge in behaviors linked to a tendency to drive recklessly, which leads to motor vehicle accidents. Adolescents who participate in antisocial behavior and claim to have accessed and used drugs and addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs at an early age are more likely to get involved in automobile accidents. On the other hand, those who excel in school tend to be less engaged in riskier activities and are involved in fewer accidents (Shope & Bingham, 2008).
- A risk-taking propensity, sensation-seeking personality
- Behavioral predisposition to hostility and aggression
- Susceptibility to peer pressure
- High levels of confidence and a sense of adventure
- A higher tolerance to deviance (i.e., they do not consider deviant behavior wrong).
Why are Bakersfield’s Roads so Dangerous?
If someone has ever considered that the drivers in Bakersfield are not the best or have fallen victim to a wrong driver, they may refer to a recent study published by Forbes Advisor and consider themselves right. The research indicated that out of every 100,000 residents of Bakersfield, 10.96 people died in road traffic accidents. There were 10.42 total traffic accidents per 100,000 people, and 2.14 were accidents caused by a drunk driver per 100,000 residents.
These numbers make Bakersfield 25 out of 50 cities with the worst drivers.
Let us investigate the primary causes of the increasing number of fatal and near-fatal car crashes on Bakersfield’s roads.
Lack of Driving Experience
Teenagers have many positive traits but tend to act very carelessly. For one, they need more experience to drive a vehicle. Furthermore, they tend to show many tendencies toward reckless behaviors, especially when driving a vehicle. Such inexperience and recklessness expose them to accidents and, regrettably, more paranoia among road users.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving continues to be the leading cause of car accidents in the US annually, and while it is a concern that has already been acknowledged, it is getting worse as time goes by. Due to distracted driving, a driver can cause a severe car crash, causing serious injuries to all parties involved and, in extreme cases, even death.
Distracted driving includes, but is not limited to:
- Texting/calling while driving
- Driving with the music blaring
- Operating another handheld device while driving
- Talking to backseat passengers while driving
- Eating while driving
- Reaching for something
- Applying makeup
We understand how frustrating and emotionally fraught it is to become a victim of a distracted driver’s negligence. However, we would like to remind you that you are not alone! We can help you recover your rightful compensation like we have helped other auto accident survivors. Contact us today to get your free case evaluation and to determine your next steps!
Reckless Driving
Aggressive drivers are a highly contributing factor to the excessive accidents on Bakersfield’s roads, as they engage in behaviors such as racing against others, zig-zagging in and out of lanes, driving up too close to the bumper of another vehicle, and other aggressive-in-nature driving carelessly.
A form of reckless driving involves jumping red lights and driving through traffic. If you run a red light, you likely collide with an oncoming vehicle that was supposed to proceed. Work or family distractions are not valid justifications. If one cannot fully concentrate on the road, one should not drive.
Switching Lanes
For starters, switching lanes is not considered dangerous. However, it is dangerous to switch lanes without checking one’s side when the distance between the vehicle in front and one behind is minimal or when driving at a very high speed. It is also common practice to use the vehicle’s mirrors and turn heads to look over one’s shoulder when changing lanes, which may lead to an accident. In addition, the lane-changing maneuver should only be directed when sufficient space is available.
Nighttime Driving
The majority of all car accidents with fatalities occur during nighttime, and the fatality rates per mile during nighttime driving are close to three times higher than during daytime driving. Driving during night hours poses its own risk. Gone are the days when driving at night was merely an activity with no associated dangers. Many people behind the wheel at night tend to be inebriated, sleepy, tired, or a combination of all three due to the nature of night driving.
Regardless of your obligation to drive at night, do not disregard measures such as avoiding drugs and alcohol and not driving at all, if necessary. The ultimate advice? If you are tired, get another driver or park your car aside and sleep.
How Can Bakersfield’s Auto Accidents Be Prevented?
Bakersfield has its fair share of problems with road accidents. Injury and fatality rates must be lowered, and therefore, prevention strategies need to be looked into. Improvements in driver behavior and environments will also assist in advocating for safe driving habits and increasing community awareness, thereby saving lives and enhancing the standard of living within the city.
Night Driving Restrictions
The safety of your vehicle while driving, particularly at night, depends very much on how well it is maintained. Turn down the brightness of the dashboard so that you are not diverted by putting your eyes on the bright screen. Your vehicle most likely does this for you already. However, there is usually a manual control to lower it even if you want to. Wipe your screen with a cloth when it is overcast or filthy. Also, ensure the headlights are in good condition before you start driving.
Passenger Restrictions
All passengers in the vehicle must, at all times, fasten their seat belts. It is a fact that wearing one’s seat belt reduces the risk of injury if an automobile crash occurs. However, many drivers do not wear seatbelts, believing the car’s airbag will protect them. This isn’t the right idea because airbags are designed as the last line of defense after seat belts. When the driver is on the wheel, especially on bad roads, do not engage in doing something that would either be a nuisance or distract the driver from concentrating on the road. You can talk to the driver to help them cope with the traffic and help them to go the right way, but only do something that would direct the attention to you instead of the road.
Driver Education Courses
Graduated licensing allows adolescents to learn to drive under adult supervision for a specific period before they are allowed to drive on their own. The best practices of today recommend that a person:
- Be at least 17 years old to acquire an intermediate license.
- Obtain a learner’s permit no earlier than 16 years old.
- Practice driving for at least 70 hours before obtaining full licensure.
- Be prohibited from driving after 8 p.m. during their intermediate stage of licensure, or when other teenagers are in the car.
No Cellphone Use
Driving while using your cell phone is not only risky, but it is also illegal. In California, you cannot use a cell phone or any other electronic communication device while operating a motor vehicle unless the device is used in ‘hands-free’ mode, such as via speakerphone or voice commands. Drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using a cell phone for any reason while driving.
Holding a Learner’s Permit for a Certain Period
In California, a driver with a learner’s permit must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 25 years old and holds a valid driver’s license. Additionally, drivers with a learner’s permit must adhere to certain restrictions:
- The learner’s permit holder can only operate a motor vehicle within the state’s boundaries.
- They are required to obey traffic laws and avoid collisions while driving.
- Minors are not allowed to transport passengers under the age of 20.
- They are prohibited from driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. during the first 12 months of holding the permit.
California introduced these special laws for teen drivers to combat the rising incidents of teen deaths involved in auto accidents.
Why Consult the Law Office of Joseph Pluta for Your Auto Accident Case?
Dealing with the repercussions of a motor vehicle accident can be very complicated, especially when it comes to recovery. The Law Office of Joseph Pluta is aware of the many issues that the aftermath of accidents, especially those related to cars driven by young drivers, presents to the victims. Our qualified Bakersfield car accident lawyer cares about your pain and struggle and ventures to protect your dignity during the legal process. Hence, we provide all the legal assistance needed at this trying moment, offering specialized assistance with:
- Negotiating with the insurance company to increase the compensation amount they are likely to lower.
- Handling court proceedings, including paperwork, deadlines, claim filings, and expert representation.
- Fighting for the justice and compensation that you’re owed fairly and squarely.
- Collecting evidence to bolster your claim, including witness statements, medical records, property damage reports, and police reports.
Wrapping up!
Accidents can wreak havoc on your life regardless of who causes them. It can be costly to get treated or fix damaged property. That’s why attorneys specializing in motor vehicle accidents are beneficial—they can help you pursue a fair settlement while managing legal hassles and insurer negotiations.
Our legal specialists at Bakersfield car accident attorney will take care of your case comprehensively and explain the available legal options. Your family may seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and emotional distress, depending on the circumstances. Call us for more information about your car accident case and to schedule a consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age group crashes the most?
Individuals aged 16 to 19 years are the most susceptible to all types of car crashes, whether it leads to death, serious injuries, or property damage. This danger raises a major red flag for concerns regarding road safety, particularly given that auto accident death rates for young people and older adults above the 65 years age group are very high compared to other age brackets. Nonetheless, the factors predisposing these two age groups to a high level of risk are starkly different, making each case distinct in many ways.
What demographic gets into the most car accidents?
Statistics show that more men suffer from road accidents, including fatal road accidents, compared to women. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the trend varies considerably in different age brackets. Young men below the age of thirty-five, in particular, have the highest likelihood of getting involved in accidents, which can be, in most cases, associated with rash driving behavior and lack of experience driving. It is also interesting to note that the risk of death by road accidents increases among the elderly over a period, which is an alarming concern under road safety, especially for older people trying to move about.
What age group causes the most significant number of drinking and driving accidents?
According to the latest findings by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), major drunk driving accidents are observed in the US within the age group of 21 to 24 years. Drunk driving affects many other aspects of our society as well as the victims and their families. They have social and financial implications: the drivers bear not only their losses but the losses of those they hurt. Bars and social drinking contribute heavily to driving under the influence. Drunk driving may result in heavy financial losses linked to property damage, medical bills, loss of income and workplace productivity, increased insurance rates, legal and court costs, emergency services (police and ambulances), and more.
Who causes the most car accidents?
According to the statistics, men are more likely to be involved in road accidents than women. This trend is likely to result from several factors, with the primary factor being men taking a lot more risks, which increases the odds of causing collisions. Men are more prone to defy rules and regulations, for example, indulging in over-speeding, driving while drunk, underage driving, and inciting other drivers to engage in road rage. Evidence also shows that over 70% of men receive traffic citations for routine safety violations. This difference in what male and female drivers pay as premiums highlights the type of safety standards people consider while driving and its effects on the rush traffic rates for commuters and pedestrians.
What ethnicity has the highest car accident rate?
Out of the 39,007 traffic deaths in 2020, 50 percent were attributed to the White race in comparison to only 17 percent who were either Hispanic or Latino and African or Black Americans. White Americans made up a significant 60% of the total population in 2020, whereas the Hispanic or Latino and African or Black American populations were 19% and 13%, respectively.
What US state has the most fatal car accidents?
Mississippi surpasses all other states in terms of the death rate due to road accidents, followed in the line by Alabama, Wyoming, and South Carolina. A number of these states also have challenging road conditions, such as rural roads with unpaved surfaces, speeding vehicles, and sparse emergency service coverage, all of which contribute to the high rates of traffic-related deaths. Understanding these nuances is essential to policymakers and safety proponents who must find ways of addressing such problems without increasing fatalities, for example, by enhancing the road systems, encouraging better-driving practices, or improving emergency services.